Friday, July 25, 2008

Watch Our Progress!

Emily and Nicole are building their own blogs. Watch their progress at:


1 comment:

Megan said...

Hello 4-H'ers,

It was wonderful meeting all of you at Black Berry Hill Farm on Friday. The pouches you were making looked like they were going to turn out beautifully. It was also very encouraging to hear that so many of you are interested in farming. Keeping the tradition of farming alive is very important to the Congresswoman, and it is vital to the local culture and economy. We told the Congresswoman of our visit with you, and she wanted us to make sure that we said Hi to you all and that she was very excited to hear about all that you are doing. We look forward to hearing about all of the great things that you are working on. Keep up the good work!

Benedict, Megan, and Tim
Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand's Office